Automation. Data Security. Compliance.

Streamline your compliance screening with Investigate DQ

Investigate DQ is your trusted partner in navigating the complex landscape of regulatory requirements. Conduct real-time, regular screening with our out-of-the-box solution that ensures your organisation can adapt to the ever-evolving regulatory landscape. 

Our automated compliance screening functionality has been designed with Australian regulatory compliance and reporting requirements in mind. Our customisable solution helps you increase efficiencies and minimise risk by making sure your data stays within your organisation’s secure infrastructure.

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Benefits of choosing Investigate DQ for compliance screening

Data Security

Ensure your screening process is efficient and secure with real-time, automated checking of regulatory watchlists and blacklists on your secure network without member data leaving your organisation.

Automate & customise

Easily upload files, schedule screening rules to identify matches & allocate cases. Access daily automated compliance screening reports via a customisable dashboard. Say goodbye to manual data analysis and hello to automation.

Audit & control

Keep track of all screening history, timelines, list updates & case management records for all matches and activities performed.

Increase efficiencies & flexibility

Integrate additional compliance functions such as Financial Crime monitoring and apply screening across multiple databases for comprehensive coverage of regulatory watchlists, blacklists, sanctions lists, PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons), and adverse media, ensuring you stay up-to-date with the latest compliance requirements.

Consistency & accuracy

Run checks more frequently and identify new entities on the day they join. Use your existing internal lists or get access to up-to-date lists via InvestigateDQ.

How customer screening works

Book a demo

Get set up today for powerful and secure screening.

Schedule a demo to experience the Investigate DQ platform in action and learn how we can help you transform your compliance screening processes, enhance accuracy, and save you time and resources.

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